KLIP - Kabel- en Leidinginformatie portaal

KLIP Web API v2 documentation - Utility Network Authority

This is the latest version.


Version Date introduced Available until Changes
v2 October 16, 2018 TBD Change in contact information:
- Removed: Delivery contact information.
- Removed: Maprequestinitiator title information.
- Added: Maprequestinitiator address information.

Impacted methods:
- POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Mri
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Una

Query parameter changes:
GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Mri
- mapRequestType, deliveryEmail, deliveryCompany, excavationMethod, excavationType, excavationLocation, dateType, endDate were not used and removed
- startDate is replaced by receivedAfter

GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Una
- mapRequestInitiatorCompany, mapRequestType, deliveryEmail, deliveryCompany, excavationMethod, excavationType, excavationLocation, dateType, endDate were not used and removed
- startDate is replaced by receivedAfter

Change in scopes:
- Removed: UtilityNetworkAuth scope (replaced by UnaOperator and UnaReader scopes).

Impacted methods:
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/Report/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}
- POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Una
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Una?unaZoneId={unaZoneId}&reference={reference}&receivedAfter={receivedAfter}&closed={closed}&unaStatus={unaStatus}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}
- POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Confirmation
- POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/NotInvolved
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Una
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone
- GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}
v1 March 31, 2015 December 31, 2019  
The KLIP Web API is a REST API, secured by the OAuth 2.0 protocol. The API supports communication with JSON and XML. If you want a response in XML you set the HTTP Accept header to application/xml, if you want a JSON response you set the header to application/json. If you are doing an HTTP POST request in XML, you set the HTTP Content-Type header to application/xml, if you want to do the POST request in JSON, you set the header to application/json.

Table of contents

  1. Imkl
    1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Una
    2. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/Report/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}
    3. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}
    4. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/ImklTest
  2. MapRequest
    1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Una
    2. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Una?unaZoneId={unaZoneId}&reference={reference}&receivedAfter={receivedAfter}&closed={closed}&unaStatus={unaStatus}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}
    3. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Confirmation
    4. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/NotInvolved
  3. Una
    1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Una
  4. UnaZone
    1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone
    2. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}
  5. CodeList Values
    1. CountryCodes
    2. ExcavationMethods
    3. ExcavationTypes
    4. MapRequestRoles
    5. MapRequestTypes
    6. UnaStatuses
    7. ImklStatuses
  6. ErrorCode Values
    1. General ErrorCode Values
  1. CodeList
    1. GET cl/klip/v2/CountryCode
    2. GET cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/{countryCodeId}
    3. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod
    4. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod/{excavationMethodId}
    5. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType
    6. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/{excavationTypeId}
    7. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus
    8. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/{imklStatusId}
    9. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage
    10. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage/{imklValidationMessageId}
    11. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus
    12. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus/{imklValidationStepStatusId}
    13. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType
    14. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType/{imklValidationStepTypeId}
    15. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole
    16. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/{mapRequestRoleId}
    17. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType
    18. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType/{mapRequestTypeId}
    19. GET cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus
    20. GET cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/{unaStatusId}
  2. ErrorCode
    1. GET cl/klip/v2/GeneralError/{generalErrorId}

1. Imkl

1.1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Una

Download the IMKL package that was uploaded as a response to the MapRequest as a zip file.
Required scope: UnaReader

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestId GUID The unique identifier of the MapRequest

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the IMKL package as an application/zip stream
- if the MapRequest was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if you submitted the MapRequest as a private person: 405 (Method Not Allowed)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

1.2. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/Report/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}

Get the status and the validation report of the IMKL package that was uploaded as a response to the MapRequest. See the IMKL Validation Steps help page for more information on the validation process (in Dutch). The report is digitally signed using the RSA-SHA256 algorithm. If you upload a digitally signed IMKL package, the validation report also contains both the signed hash of the IMKL package and the thumbprint of the certificate that was used for encrypting the hash. If you upload an IMKL package that is not signed, AGIV will sign the IMKL package. If the IMKL package is valid (Status = https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/datavalid), the ValidationSteps property is omitted from the response.
Required scope: UnaReader

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestId GUID The unique identifier of the MapRequest
unaZoneId GUID The unique identifier of the involved Utility Network Authority Zone

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the validation report in JSON or XML
- if an IMKL package was uploaded, but the report is not yet available: 202 (Accepted)
- if the MapRequest was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
CertificateThumbprint String The thumbprint of the certificate that was used to encrypt the hash of the IMKL package.
DateReceived DateTime The timestamp the IMKL package was received (UTC).
MapRequestId Guid The unique identifier of the MapRequest.
SignatureValue String The digitally signed base64 encoded hash of the IMKL package.
Status URI The status of the uploaded IMKL data. This is a CodeList value. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/imklstatus/{imklstatusid} for retrieving the value of the code. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/imklstatus for retrieving a list of possible codes.
ValidationSteps List The list of ValidationSteps with their status and type and ValidationMessages. Omitted from the response if status = https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/imklstatus/datavalid.
ZoneId Guid The unique identifier of the Utility Network Authority zone.
Signature ImklSignature The signature info of the response. Omitted from the response if status = https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/imklstatus/datainvalid.

Response Examples

application/json, text/json

    "DateReceived": "2014-12-17T15:42:47.17",
    "SignatureValue": "XVrFVSWdC8XeIotkWnbPS/EK071qF5pWY+Id2GMnDhG01pjLyCv0NpormENNKPqU+5rFnx1kK6YWKOlt5dx5nQbcHZu91EGtqNZIuZp9SKLcKyGb34irQWD9CbQQFrFxWsksRzWAFwOdFBWM43YAGJGRHxQE8YTFjkR/8+mfP6ySB7Kw44GU0JgjqrXxDx1adoqFvYIyq3r3o/OaBCSHRuFyXcXm4bQ7rGZTp0xxEVbhDTnIGFC/3nDPR5DGE7TkHFjgYOYBLzOZCf8SNNdMI1aXvOY8jtg6XZMY+lmhmo56Gy7i04eLhz60WCdQGxm+GLND0z5T/bSOwOz8ZTnguQ==",
    "CertificateThumbprint": "‎499f936ed09027df2bf4e1d5de572f7c8cb69cbc",
    "MapRequestId": "510d8e74-72f4-4784-b0af-b386d2f9d6f2",
    "ZoneId": "03d40b3a-fbe1-4f10-9f54-2d71522dc17e",
    "Status": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/DataInvalid",
    "ValidationSteps": [
    "ValidationMessages": [
    "Level": "Error",
    "Code": "InvalidCodelistValue",
    "Description": "http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codelist/WaterTypeExtendedValue/ongeldigecode is not a valid codelist value",
    "Filename": "waterpipe-water-wg.xml",
    "Element": "{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}WaterPipe -> {http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/us-net-wa/3.0}waterType",
    "MessageCount": 4
    "Level": "Warning",
    "Code": "MissingElement",
    "Description": "{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}subThema is optional but it is highly recommended to add the element if the information is available",
    "Filename": "waterpipe-water-wg.xml",
    "Element": "",
    "MessageCount": 4
    "Level": "Warning",
    "Code": "ElementHasNilReason",
    "Description": "nilReason is allowed, but it is highly recommended to add the element if the information is available",
    "Filename": "appurtenance-water-wg.xml",
    "Element": "{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}Appurtenance -> {http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/us-net-common/3.0}validFrom",
    "MessageCount": 4
    "Level": "Warning",
    "Code": "IgnoredElement",
    "Description": "{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}ligging is ignored if {http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}heeftUtilityNetwork or {http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}heeftLeidingElement or {http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}heeftContainerLeidingElement is specified",
    "Filename": "relatievediepte1-water-wg.xml",
    "Element": "{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}ligging",
    "MessageCount": 4
    "ValidationStepOrder": 4,
    "ValidationStepType": "RuleValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "Failed"
    "ValidationMessages": [],
    "ValidationStepOrder": 1,
    "ValidationStepType": "ArchiveValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "Success"
    "ValidationMessages": [],
    "ValidationStepOrder": 2,
    "ValidationStepType": "SignatureValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "Success"
    "ValidationMessages": [],
    "ValidationStepOrder": 3,
    "ValidationStepType": "SchemaValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "Success"
    "ValidationMessages": [],
    "ValidationStepOrder": 5,
    "ValidationStepType": "DuplicateValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "NotExecuted"
    "ValidationMessages": [],
    "ValidationStepOrder": 6,
    "ValidationStepType": "LinkValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "NotExecuted"
    "ValidationMessages": [],
    "ValidationStepOrder": 7,
    "ValidationStepType": "DependenciesValidation",
    "ValidationStepStatus": "NotExecuted"

application/xml, text/xml

    <ImklReport xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/Imkl">
    <MapRequestId>510d8e74-72f4-4784-b0af-b386d2f9d6f2</MapRequestId><ZoneId>03d40b3a-fbe1-4f10-9f54-2d71522dc17e</ZoneId><Status>https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/DataInvalid</Status><ValidationSteps><ValidationMessages><Level>Error</Level><Code>InvalidCodelistValue</Code><Description>http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codelist/WaterTypeExtendedValue/ongeldigecode is not a valid codelist value</Description><Filename>waterpipe-water-wg.xml</Filename><Element>{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}WaterPipe -&gt; {http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/us-net-wa/3.0}waterType</Element><MessageCount>4<MessageCount></ValidationMessages><ValidationMessages><Level>Warning</Level><Code>MissingElement</Code><Description>{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}subThema is optional but it is highly recommended to add the element if the information is available</Description><Filename>waterpipe-water-wg.xml</Filename><Element></Element><MessageCount>4<MessageCount></ValidationMessages><ValidationMessages><Level>Warning</Level><Code>ElementHasNilReason</Code><Description>nilReason is allowed, but it is highly recommended to add the element if the information is available</Description><Filename>appurtenance-water-wg.xml</Filename><Element>{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}Appurtenance -&gt; {http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/us-net-common/3.0}validFrom</Element><MessageCount>4<MessageCount></ValidationMessages><ValidationMessages><Level>Warning</Level><Code>IgnoredElement</Code><Description>{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}ligging is ignored if {http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}heeftUtilityNetwork or {http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}heeftLeidingElement or {http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}heeftContainerLeidingElement is specified</Description><Filename>relatievediepte1-water-wg.xml</Filename><Element>{http://mir.agiv.be/cl/AGIV/v2/xmlns/IMKL2.2}ligging</Element><MessageCount>4<MessageCount></ValidationMessages><ValidationStepOrder>4</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>RuleValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>Failed</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps><ValidationSteps><ValidationStepOrder>1</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>ArchiveValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>Success</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps><ValidationSteps><ValidationStepOrder>2</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>SignatureValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>Success</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps><ValidationSteps><ValidationStepOrder>3</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>SchemaValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>Success</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps><ValidationSteps><ValidationStepOrder>5</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>DuplicateValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>NotExecuted</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps><ValidationSteps><ValidationStepOrder>6</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>LinkValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>NotExecuted</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps><ValidationSteps><ValidationStepOrder>7</ValidationStepOrder><ValidationStepType>DependenciesValidation</ValidationStepType><ValidationStepStatus>NotExecuted</ValidationStepStatus></ValidationSteps></ImklReport>


1.3. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Imkl/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}

Upload an IMKL package as a response to a MapRequest for a particular Utility Network Authority Zone. Uploading an IMKL package is done by executing a MIME Multipart Form Data POST request. This way textual and binary data can be streamed to the server in the same request. The maximum size of an IMKL package is 500MB. Optionally you can digitally sign the IMKL package. See digitale ondertekening IMKL pakket for more information on the signing process. See code example for a C# code snippet. To test the correctness of an IMKL package, a test tool is available at IMKL Test Tool, To access this tool you need to be a registered AGIV user.
Required scope: UnaOperator

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestId GUID The unique identifier of the MapRequest
unaZoneId GUID The unique identifier of the involved Utility Network Authority Zone

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK)
- if the MapRequest is not in the confirmed status: 405 (Method Not Allowed)
- if the request is not Multipart Form Data: 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
- other validation errors: 400 (Bad Request), including more information about the error in the reason property
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/ImklTest

Upload an IMKL package for testing purposes. Uploading an IMKL package is done by executing a MIME Multipart Form Data POST request. This way textual and binary data can be streamed to the server in the same request. The maximum size of an IMKL package is 500MB. Optionally you can digitally sign the IMKL package. See digitale ondertekening IMKL pakket for more information on the signing process. See code example for a C# code snippet. The request returns a response with a URI an operator can use to view the uploaded IMKL package in a browser. URIs remain active for 30 days.
Required scope: UnaOperator

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including a uri an operator can use to view the uploaded IMKL package in a browser
- if the request is not Multipart Form Data: 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
- other validation errors: 400 (Bad Request), including more information about the error in the reason property
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

2. MapRequest

2.1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/Una

Get a MapRequest.
Required scope: UnaReader

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestId GUID The unique identifier of the MapRequest.

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the MapRequest information in JSON or XML
- if the MapRequest was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Closed Boolean True if the MapRequest is closed. It is not possible to confirm or respond to a closed MapRequest.
DateReceived DateTime The date the MapRequest was received by KLIP (UTC).
EndDate DateTime The end date of the excavation.
ExcavationDepth Int The depth of the works to be done in centimeters.
ExcavationDescription String (400) The description of the excavation.
ExcavationLocation String (200) The location of the excavation.
ExcavationMethod URI The method that will be used for the work to be done. This is a CodeList value. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/excavationmethod/{excavationmethodid} for retrieving the value of the code. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/excavationmethod for retrieving a list of possible codes.
ExcavationType URI The type of excavation. This is a CodeList value. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/excavationtype/{excavationtypeid} for retrieving the value of the code. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/excavationtype for retrieving a list of possible codes.
Id URI The unique identifier of the MapRequest.
IsProfessional Boolean True if the MapRequest was submitted by a professional.
IsServiceAccount Boolean True if the MapRequest was submitted by a service account.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressAdditionalLine String (200) The additional line of the initiator address.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressBox String (10) The box of the initiator address.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressCity String (200) - Required The city of the initiator address.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressCountryCode URI - Required The CountryCode of the initiator address (base URI: https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v1/countrycode/, example: https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v1/countrycode/BE). This is a CodeList value. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v1/countrycode for retrieving a list of valid CodeList values.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreet String (200) - Required The street name of the initiator address.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreetNumber String (50) The street number of the initiator address.
MapRequestInitiatorAddressZip String (10) - Required The zip code of the initiator address.
MapRequestInitiatorCompany String (200) The company of the initiator.
MapRequestInitiatorEmail String (320) The e-mail address of the initiator.
MapRequestInitiatorFirstName String (100) The first name of the initiator.
MapRequestInitiatorLastName String (100) The last name of the initiator.
MapRequestInitiatorRole URI The role of the initiator. This is a CodeList value. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/maprequestrole/{maprequestroleid} for retrieving the value of the code. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/maprequestrole for retrieving a list of possible codes.
MapRequestInitiatorTelephone String (20) The telephone number of the initiator.
MapRequestType URI The type of the MapRequest. This is a CodeList value. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/maprequesttype/{maprequesttypeid} for retrieving the value of the code. Use https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/maprequesttype for retrieving a list of possible codes.
MapRequestZone ZoneGeometry The geometry data of the MapRequest (a polygon). The polygon is a single-part and not self-intersecting polygon. It is situated at least partially within Flanders and its area is smaller than 100.000 m². Donut polygons are allowed.
Reference String (100) The reference of a MapRequest.
StartDate DateTime The start date of the excavation.

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Id": "5c25ee09-a2f4-4b94-a2a4-03b2617aaf9f",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressAdditionalLine": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressBox": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressCity": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressCountryCode": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/countrycode/be",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreet": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreetNumber": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorAddressZip": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorCompany": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorFirstName": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorLastName": "sample string",
  "MapRequestInitiatorRole": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/maprequestrole/buildingowner",
  "MapRequestInitiatorTelephone": "09/123.45.67",
  "MapRequestInitiatorEmail": "mail@mail.be",
  "Reference": "sample string",
  "MapRequestType": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/maprequesttype/studyphase",
  "ExcavationType": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/excavationtype/roadworks",
  "ExcavationMethod": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/excavationmethod/mechanicalwithdrillingpressing",
  "ExcavationLocation": "sample string",
  "StartDate": "2015-03-20T08:47:58.8542896+00:00",
  "EndDate": "2015-03-20T08:47:58.8542896+00:00",
  "ExcavationDepth": 1,
  "ExcavationDescription": "sample string",
  "DateReceived": "2015-03-20T08:47:58.8542896+00:00",
  "MapRequestZone": {
    "coordinates": [
    "type": "Polygon",
    "crs": {
      "type": "name",
      "properties": {
        "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::31370"
  "IsProfessional": true,
  "IsServiceAccount": true,
  "Closed": true
application/xml, text/xml
<MapRequest xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/una" id="https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/2a3fe3ef-b606-4f6a-b5dd-d19d6f3e3ce6/una">
  <ExcavationDescription>sample string</ExcavationDescription>
  <ExcavationLocation>sample string</ExcavationLocation>
  <MapRequestInitiatorAddressAdditionalLine>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorAddressAdditionalLine>
  <MapRequestInitiatorAddressBox>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorAddressBox>
  <MapRequestInitiatorAddressCity>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorAddressCity>
  <MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreet>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreet>
  <MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreetNumber>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorAddressStreetNumber>
  <MapRequestInitiatorAddressZip>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorAddressZip>
  <MapRequestInitiatorCompany>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorCompany>
  <MapRequestInitiatorFirstName>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorFirstName>
  <MapRequestInitiatorLastName>sample string</MapRequestInitiatorLastName>
  <MapRequestZone xmlns:d2p1="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" i:type="d2p1:string">Polygon</MapRequestZone>
  <Reference>sample string</Reference>

2.2. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Una?unaZoneId={unaZoneId}&reference={reference}&receivedAfter={receivedAfter}&closed={closed}&unaStatus={unaStatus}&offset={offset}&limit={limit}

Search for MapRequests. All parameters are optional.
Required scope: UnaReader

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
closed Boolean The close flag indicates if the MapRequest still accepts responses from the UtilityNetworkAuthority. If you omit the closed flag, closed will be false.
limit Int This is the maximum number of MapRequests to be returned. If you omit the limit parameter, 100 MapRequests are returned. If you specify a limit that exceeds 100, HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request) is returned.
offset Int This is where the query begins pulling MapRequests. For example, if you’re on page one, the offset will be zero. If you are on any other page, the offset will be equal to the number of MapRequests you have already pulled. For example if you are on page two and you limit the number of MapRequests in the response to 10, the offset is equal to 10. If you are on page three, the offset is equal to 20. If you omit the offset parameter, the offset will be 0.
reference String The reference of the MapRequest.
receivedAfter DateTime This is the start date of the time period you are interested in. The date format follows the ISO 8601 standard (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, e.g. 2013-07-16T19:20:30). Omitting the time is the same as entering T00:00:00.
unaStatus String The status of the MapRequest. Either one of assigned or confirmed.
unaZoneId GUID The id of the Utility Network Authority zone.

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the list of MapRequest URIs (https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/maprequest/{maprequestid:guid}/una)
that match the search criteria in JSON or XML. You can use the MapRequest URI to obtain the information about the MapRequest.
If no MapRequests were found, an empty list is returned.
- if the limit parameter exceeds 100, or the dateType parameter is not ExcavationPeriod or DateReceived: 400 (Bad Request)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
MapRequest List of URIs (50) As a result of the MapRequest query, a list of MapRequest URIs is returned.

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "MapRequest": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/maprequest/2a3fe3ef-b606-4f6a-b5dd-d19d6f3e3ce6/una"
application/xml, text/xml
<MapRequests xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/una">
  <MapRequest id="https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/maprequest/2a3fe3ef-b606-4f6a-b5dd-d19d6f3e3ce6/una" />

2.3. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/Confirmation

Confirm that the Utility Network Authority zone received the MapRequest.
Required scope: UnaOperator

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
MapRequestId Guid - Required The unique identifier of the MapRequest.
UnaZoneId Guid - Required The unique identifier of the Utility Network Authority zone.

Request Examples

application/json, text/json
  "MapRequestId": "ecc0491d-bc68-4e83-b61a-2fa366fd090a",
  "UnaZoneId": "ea3d5a3e-a212-4e5d-8304-cee60d5f4c6d"
<MapRequestConfirmation xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/una">

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK)
- if an identical request is still being processed: 202 (Accepted)
- if the request is null: 400 (Bad Request)
- if the MapRequest was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if the MapRequest is not in the assigned status: 405 (Method Not Allowed)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

2.4. POST https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/NotInvolved

Confirm that the Utility Network Authority zone that received the MapRequest is not involved.
Required scope: UnaOperator

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
MapRequestId Guid - Required The unique identifier of the MapRequest.
UnaZoneId Guid - Required The unique identifier of the Utility Network Authority zone.

Request Examples

application/json, text/json
  "MapRequestId": "45d9889b-e7f5-4c14-9330-66b9b7444a21",
  "UnaZoneId": "60212d7e-c5d1-4cd0-9604-ce3a0f92e0ab"
<MapRequestNotInvolved xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/una">

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK)
- if an identical request is still being processed: 202 (Accepted)
- if the request is null: 400 (Bad Request)
- if the MapRequest was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if the Utility Network Authority zone does not answer with IMKL or the MapRequest is not in the confirmed status: 405 (Method Not Allowed)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

3. Una

3.1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/Una

Get the Utility Network Authority information for the authenticated user.
Required scope: UnaReader

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the Utility Network Authority information in JSON or XML. The response includes the list of utility network authority zone URIs (https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/{unazoneid}). You can use the Utility Network Authority zone URI to obtain the information about the zone. If no Utility Network Authority zones were found, an empty list is returned.
- if no information for the authenticated user was found: 404 (Not Found)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
DisplayName String (100) The name of the Utility Network Authority (can be different from the organisation name)
UnaZones List of URIs A list of Utility Network Authority zone URIs. The list consists of active and archived zones.

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "DisplayName": "sample string",
  "UnaZones": [
application/xml, text/xml
<Una xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Gisvl.Klipdf.Presentation.Azure.s">
  <DisplayName>sample string</DisplayName>

4. UnaZone

4.1. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/MapRequest/{mapRequestId}/UnaZone

Get all Utility Network Authority zones that are expected to respond to a MapRequest.
Required scope: UnaReader

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestId GUID The unique identifier of the MapRequest

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the list of Utility Network Authority zone URIs (https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/{unazoneid}) that are expected to respond to the MapRequest and their status in JSON or XML. You can use the Utility Network Authority zone URI to obtain the information about the zone.
- if the Utility Network Authority zone was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Status URI The status of the involved Utility Network Authority zone
UnaZone URI An involved Utility Network Authority zone

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "UnaZone": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/5c25ee09-a2f4-4b94-a2a4-03b2617aaf9f",
    "Status": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/unastatus/assigned"
    "UnaZone": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/bfd43a66-a5c2-463b-ae5f-c269ab8c1195",
    "Status": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/unastatus/confirmed"
application/xml, text/xml
<UnaZones xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/una">
  <UnaZone id="https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/5c25ee09-a2f4-4b94-a2a4-03b2617aaf9f">
  <UnaZone id="https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/bfd43a66-a5c2-463b-ae5f-c269ab8c1195">

4.2. GET https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/UnaZone/{unaZoneId}

Get the Utility Network Authority zone information.
Required scope: UnaReader

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
unaZoneId GUID The unique identifier of the Utility Network Authority zone

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- if the request is valid: 200 (OK), including the Utility Network Authority zone information in JSON or XML.
- if the Utility Network Authority zone was not found: 404 (Not Found)
- if you lack the required scope to execute this request: 401 (Unauthorized)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
AlarmCentralTelephone String (20) The emergency telephone number of the Utility Network Authority zone
AnswerWithImkl Boolean True if the Utility Network Authority zone will respond with IMKL
ContactEmail String (320) The e-mail address of the Utility Network Authority zone contact
ContactName String (100) The name of the Utility Network Authority zone contact
ContactTelephone String (20) The telephone number of the Utility Network Authority zone contact
ExtraInformation String (400) Extra information about the Utility Network Authority zone
Id URI The unique identifier of the Utility Network Authority zone
IsArchived Boolean True if the Utility Network Authority zone was archived, otherwise false
LastModified DateTime The DateTime when the Utility Network Authority zone was last modified (UTC)
MapRequestEmail String (320) The e-mail address of the Utility Network Authority zone the MapRequests are sent to
Name String (100) The name of the Utility Network Authority
Namespace String (50) The namespace of the zone

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Id": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/5c25ee09-a2f4-4b94-a2a4-03b2617aaf9f",
  "ContactEmail": "mail@mail.be",
  "ContactName": "sample string",
  "ContactTelephone": "09/123.45.67",
  "ExtraInformation": "sample string",
  "MapRequestEmail": "mail@mail.be",
  "Name": "sample string",
  "AlarmCentralTelephone": "09/123.45.67",
  "LastModified": "2015-03-20T08:47:59.0574117+00:00",
  "IsArchived": true,
  "AnswerWithImkl": true
application/xml, text/xml
<UnaZone xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/ws/klip/v2/una" id="https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/ws/klip/v2/unazone/5c25ee09-a2f4-4b94-a2a4-03b2617aaf9f">
  <ContactName>sample string</ContactName>
  <ExtraInformation>sample string</ExtraInformation>
  <Name>sample string</Name>

5. CodeList Values

5.1. CountryCodes

5.2. ExcavationMethods

Code Value
specialexcavationmethod Bijzondere uitvoeringsmethoden (gebruik van explosieven, …)
manual Manueel, enkel handwerktuigen (spade, ...)
mechanicalwithdrillingpressing Mechanisch met boring/persing
mechanicalheavyequipment Mechanisch met zware werktuigen (bulldozer, ...)
mechanicallightequipment Mechanisch, enkel lichte werkt. (pneum. hamer, ...)

5.3. ExcavationTypes

Code Value
demolitionworks Afbraakwerken
otheroverground Ander (bovengronds)
othersubterranean Ander (ondergronds)
soilinvestigation Bodemonderzoek
foundationworks Funderingswerken
constructionofcivilengineeringstructure Kunstwerk (bouw van)
maintainanceofcivilengineeringstructure Kunstwerk (onderhoud van)
agriculturalhorticulturalforestryactivities Land-, tuin- en bosbouwwerkzaamheden
contructionofpoles Masten, pylonen, windmolens (bouw van)
newbuilding Nieuw gebouw
constructionutilitylines Nutsleidingen aanleg
constructionutilitylinespointopenings Nutsleidingen aanleg (puntopeningen)
contructionofundergroundroom Ondergrondse (toestellen)kamer (bouw van)
railroadworks Spoorinfrastructuurwerken
temporaryoccupationofland Tijdelijke bezetting van terreinen
buildingmodification Uitbreiding/renovatie van bestaande gebouwen
hydraulicsworks Waterbouwkundige werken
roadworks Wegeniswerken

5.4. MapRequestRoles

Code Value
contractor Aannemer
other Andere
architect Architect
buildingowner Bouwheer
subcontractor Onderaannemer
consultancyoffice Studiebureau

5.5. MapRequestTypes

Code Value
studyphase Raadpleging voor studiefase
klipdecree Raadpleging voor uitvoering grondwerken

5.6. UnaStatuses

Code Value
responded Beantwoord
confirmed Bevestigd
notinvolved Geen kabels en leidingen in zone
notanswered Niet geantwoord
shouldrespondtomri Planafhandeling rechtstreeks
assigned Wacht op bevestiging

5.7. ImklStatuses

Code Value
datavalid IMKL-data geldig
datainvalid IMKL-data niet geldig

6. ErrorCode Values

6.1. General ErrorCode Values

Code Value
Busy Bezig met verwerken. Probeer binnen een paar minuten opnieuw.
DateTypeInvalid Ongeldig datumtype
LimitExceedsMaximum De waarde van 'Limit' mag niet groter zijn dan 100.
PreviousRequestPending Een vorige request is nog in verwerking.
PropertyValueInvalid Ongeldige waarde
RequestBodyMissing Vul een request body in.
RequestUriInvalid Ongeldige URI

7. CodeList

7.1. GET cl/klip/v2/CountryCode

Gets all the CountryCode codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the country code
Value String (100) The description of the country code in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BE",
    "Value": "België"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BZ",
    "Value": "Belize"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BJ",
    "Value": "Benin"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BM",
    "Value": "Bermuda"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BT",
    "Value": "Bhutan"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BO",
    "Value": "Bolivia"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BA",
    "Value": "Bosnië en Herzegovina"
application/xml, text/xml
<CountryCodes xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">

7.2. GET cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/{countryCodeId}

Gets the translated value of the CountryCode code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
countryCodeId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the country code
Value String (100) The description of the country code in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/CountryCode/BE",
  "Value": "België"
application/xml, text/xml
<CountryCode xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">

7.3. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod

Gets all the ExcavationMethod codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the excavation method
Value String (100) The description of the excavation method in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod/manual",
    "Value": "Enkel manueel"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod/mechanicalwithdrillingpressing",
    "Value": "Mechanisch met boring/persing"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod/mechanicalwithoutdrillingpressing",
    "Value": "Mechanisch zonder boring/persing"
application/xml, text/xml
<ExcavationMethods xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>Enkel manueel</Value>
    <Value>Mechanisch met boring/persing</Value>
    <Value>Mechanisch zonder boring/persing</Value>

7.4. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod/{excavationMethodId}

Gets the translated value of the ExcavationMethod code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
excavationMethodId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the excavation method
Value String (100) The description of the excavation method in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationMethod/manual",
  "Value": "Enkel manueel"
application/xml, text/xml
<ExcavationMethod xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Enkel manueel</Value>

7.5. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType

Gets all the ExcavationType codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the excavation type
Value String (50) The description of the excavation type in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/constructionutilitylines",
    "Value": "Aanleg nutsleidingen"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/demolitionworks",
    "Value": "Afbraakwerken"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/otheroverground",
    "Value": "Ander - bovengronds"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/othersubterranean",
    "Value": "Ander - ondergronds"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/soilinvestigation",
    "Value": "Bodemonderzoek"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/drainageworks",
    "Value": "Drainagewerken"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/foundationworks",
    "Value": "Funderingswerken"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/buildingelevation",
    "Value": "Gebouwverhoging"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/newbuilding",
    "Value": "Nieuw gebouw"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/roadworks",
    "Value": "Wegeniswerken"
application/xml, text/xml
<ExcavationTypes xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>Aanleg nutsleidingen</Value>
    <Value>Ander - bovengronds</Value>
    <Value>Ander ondergronds</Value>
    <Value>Nieuw gebouw</Value>

7.6. GET cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/{excavationTypeId}

Gets the translated value of the ExcavationType code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
excavationTypeId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the excavation type
Value String (50) The description of the excavation type in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ExcavationType/constructionutilitylines",
  "Value": "Aanleg nutsleidingen"
application/xml, text/xml
<ExcavationType xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Aanleg nutsleidingen</Value>

7.7. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus

Gets all the ImklStatus codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of an IMKL file upload status
Value String (50) The description of the IMKL file upload status in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/datavalid",
    "Value": "IMKL data correct"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/datainvalid",
    "Value": "IMKL data niet correct"
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklStatuses xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>Imkl data correct</Value>
    <Value>Imkl data niet correct</Value>

7.8. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/{imklStatusId}

Gets the translated value of the ImklStatus code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
imklStatusId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of an IMKL file upload status
Value String (50) The description of the IMKL file upload status in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklStatus/datavalid",
  "Value": "Imkl data correct"
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklStatus xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Imkl data correct</Value>

7.9. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage

Gets all the ImklValidationMessage codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of an IMKL validation message
Value String (100) The description of the IMKL validation message in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage/invalidurisyntax",
    "Value": "De syntax van de uri is niet correct"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage/invalidxmlfile",
    "Value": "De XML-file is niet geldig"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage/missinghrefattribute",
    "Value": "Het href-attribuut ontbreekt"
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklValidationMessages xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>De syntax van de uri is niet correct</Value>
    <Value>De XML-file is niet geldig</Value>
    <Value>Het href-attribuut ontbreekt</Value>

7.10. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage/{imklValidationMessageId}

Gets the translated value of the ImklValidationMessage code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
imklValidationMessageId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of an IMKL validation message
Value String (100) The description of the IMKL validation message in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationMessage/missinghrefattribute",
  "Value": "Het href-attribuut ontbreekt"
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklValidationMessage xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Het href-attribuut ontbreekt</Value>

7.11. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus

Gets all the ImklValidationStepStatus codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of an IMKL validation step status
Value String (100) The description of the IMKL validation step status in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus/failed",
    "Value": "De validatie stap is gefaald. Er zijn één of meerder fouten."
    "Key": "https://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus/notexecuted",
    "Value": "De validatie stap werd niet uitgevoerd omdat één van de vorige validatie stappen gefaald is."
    "Key": "https://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus/success",
    "Value": "De validatie stap werd met succes uitgevoerd."
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklValidationMessages xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>De syntax van de uri is niet correct</Value>
    <Value>De XML-file is niet geldig</Value>
    <Value>Het href-attribuut ontbreekt</Value>

7.12. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus/{imklValidationStepStatusId}

Gets the translated value of the ImklValidationStepStatus code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
imklValidationStepStatusId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of an IMKL validation step status
Value String (100) The description of the IMKL validation step status in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.beta.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepStatus/success",
  "Value": "sample string"
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklValidationStepStatus xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>sample string</Value>

7.13. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType

Gets all the ImklValidationStepTypes codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of a IMKL validation step status
Value String (100) The description of the IMKL validation step status in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType/archivevalidation",
    "Value": "Validatie van het zip-pakket."
    "Key": "https://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType/dependenciesvalidation",
    "Value": "Validatie van afhankelijkheden tussen IMKL objecten."
    "Key": "https://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType/duplicatevalidation",
    "Value": "Validatie of er geen IMKL objecten zijn met identieke id's."
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklValidationMessages xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>De syntax van de uri is niet correct</Value>
    <Value>De XML-file is niet geldig</Value>
    <Value>Het href-attribuut ontbreekt</Value>

7.14. GET cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType/{imklValidationStepTypeId}

Gets the translated value of the ImklValidationStepType code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
imklValidationStepTypeId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of a IMKL validation step status
Value String (100) The description of the IMKL validation step status in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/ImklValidationStepType/duplicatevalidation",
  "Value": "Validatie of er geen IMKL objecten zijn met identieke id's."
application/xml, text/xml
<ImklValidationStepType xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Validatie of er geen IMKL objecten zijn met identieke id's.</Value>

7.15. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole

Gets all the MapRequestRole codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the role
Value String (50) The description of the MapRequest role in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/contractor",
    "Value": "Aannemer"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/other",
    "Value": "Andere"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/architect",
    "Value": "Architect"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/buildingowner",
    "Value": "Bouwheer"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/subcontractor",
    "Value": "Onderaannemer"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/consultancyoffice",
    "Value": "Studiebureau"
application/xml, text/xml
<MapRequestRoles xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">

7.16. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/{mapRequestRoleId}

Gets the translated value of the MapRequestRole code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestRoleId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the role
Value String (50) The description of the MapRequest role in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestRole/contractor",
  "Value": "Aannemer"
application/xml, text/xml
<MapRequestRole xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">

7.17. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType

Gets all the MapRequestType codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the MapRequest type
Value String (100) The description of the MapRequest type in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType/klipdecree",
    "Value": "Planaanvraag KLIP-decreet"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType/forcemajeure",
    "Value": "Planaanvraag overmacht"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType/studyphase",
    "Value": "Planaanvraag studiefase"
application/xml, text/xml
<MapRequestTypes xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>Planaanvraag KLIP-decreet</Value>
    <Value>Planaanvraag overmacht</Value>
    <Value>Planaanvraag studiefase</Value>

7.18. GET cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType/{mapRequestTypeId}

Gets the translated value of the MapRequestType code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
mapRequestTypeId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the MapRequest type
Value String (100) The description of the MapRequest type in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/MapRequestType/klipdecree",
  "Value": "Planaanvraag KLIP-decreet"
application/xml, text/xml
<MapRequestType xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Planaanvraag KLIP-decreet</Value>

7.19. GET cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus

Gets all the UnaStatus codes

Response Information

HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the list of valid codes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI A unique key of the status of a Utility Network Authority zone involved with a MapRequest
Value String (50) The description in Dutch of the status of the Utility Network Authority zone involved in a MapRequest

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/respondedtomri",
    "Value": "Beantwoord aan planaanvrager"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/notinvolved",
    "Value": "Niet betrokken"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/responded",
    "Value": "Beantwoord"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/confirmed",
    "Value": "Bevestigd"
    "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/assigned",
    "Value": "Toegewezen"
application/xml, text/xml
<UnaStatuses xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
    <Value>Beantwoord aan planaanvrager</Value>
    <Value>Niet betrokken</Value>

7.20. GET cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/{unaStatusId}

Gets the translated value of the UnaStatus code

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
unaStatusId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

HTTP status code
Possible response status codes:
- HTTP status code 200 (OK), including the code and its description in Dutch.
- if the code was not found: 404 (Not Found)

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI A unique key of the status of a Utility Network Authority zone involved with a MapRequest
Value String (50) The description in Dutch of the status of the Utility Network Authority zone involved in a MapRequest

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/UnaStatus/confirmed",
  "Value": "Bevestigd"
application/xml, text/xml
<UnaStatus xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">

8. ErrorCode

8.1. GET cl/klip/v2/GeneralError/{generalErrorId}

Gets the value for a General Error.
An example of a response to an incorrect request.

Request Information

Request Parameters

Parameter Value Description
generalErrorId String The code to retrieve the value from

Response Information

Response Parameters

Parameter Value Description
Key URI The unique key of the general error
Value String (100) The description of the general error in Dutch

Response Examples

application/json, text/json
  "Key": "https://klip.vlaanderen.be/api/cl/klip/v2/GeneralError/busy",
  "Value": "Bezig met verwerken. Probeer binnen een paar minuten opnieuw."
application/xml, text/xml
<GeneralError xmlns="http://api.agiv.be/cl/klip/v1">
  <Value>Bezig met
                verwerken. Probeer binnen een paar minuten opnieuw.</Value>